Agenda Item Summary


Public Works Committee Meeting Date:  6/9/2015

City Council Meeting Date:  6/15/2015

Staff Contact: Ted Johnson

Petitioner:   Black Hills Corporation

Location:  Lot 1 of C2B Subdivision, S26 and S27, T1N, R7E, BHM, Rapid City, Pennington Co., SD  -- Southwest of intersection of Highway 16 and Catron Blvd.

Agenda Title:

Approve Request from Black Hills Corporation for a Variance to Waive the requirement to install Sidewalk per City Ordinance 12.08.060 on the north side of proposed Energy Park Drive for the property located southwest of intersection of Highway 16 and Catron Blvd.


A request was received from Ferber Engineering on the behalf of Black Hills Corporation to waive the requirement to install sidewalk on both sides of proposed Energy Park Drive as required by City Ordinance 12.08.060.  Per Ordinance, sidewalk is required to be installed on both sides of any City Street.  The proposed Black Hills Corporation Headquarters expansion includes realignment and construction of the existing Highway 16 frontage road through the campus site.  The proposed street construction includes installation of a 10’ wide shared pedestrian and bike path along the south side of Energy Park Drive as well as a 8’ wide sidewalk along the south side of Catron Boulevard and the west side of Highway 16.  Both the 10’ shared path and 8’ sidewalk will extend across the site from the intersection of Catron Boulevard and Les Hollers Way to the tie-in to the existing frontage road in the Highway 16 ROW at the southeast corner of the headquarters site. Per the Applicant’s site improvements plan, the areas north and south of the proposed street will be paved parking lots to serve the headquarters building.

Funding Source & Fiscal Impact (if applicable):



Cost Center



Cost Center





















Not Budgeted


Action:  Approve request to install sidewalk along one side of proposed Energy Park Drive.

Notes: Some portions of sidewalk will be installed in pedestrian access easement.

City Council Options:

1.    Approve request for waiver to install sidewalk on one side of proposed street.

2.    Deny request and require that sidewalk be installed on both sides of proposed street.

Attachments & Links:

Variance Request

BHC Site-Pedestrian Access

BHC Alignment Data Sheet